Event listing website

July 2023


Oukwa is a website listing events near a given city. Jonathan and I designed a system to gather event information and display it in a standardized way, simply, with the key details visible first (event name, location, date/time, event style). The goal is to find something to do nearby and only have to check one site. I handled the entire frontend of the site using Vue.js and connected it with the backend (Express, Node.js, MongoDB) before a graphic designer joined the team and later an experienced developer switched us to React.


Event Search

Event searches are done via a REST API based on the criteria entered. A middleware protects against request spamming before MongoDB returns the results as JSON. Search suggestions are displayed as each letter is typed into the search bar.

Event Display

Event details include displaying an image, event information, music categories determined via AI, a list of music samples from the event artists through a Spotify player, a Google map to locate the event, and suggestions for related events.

Admin Interface

An admin interface allows for managing events (edit, add, delete) via a REST API. Login is done using unique credentials and a security middleware. An authentication token prevents the need for constant re-login. Site usage statistics are displayed through a custom dashboard with chart.js graphs and calculated indicators.